Variable & Datatype for C-programming

Variable & Datatype for C-programming


Variable:- Whose value change is known as variable.You can use some specific variable.


But 1a,2b, space, special character are  not allowed.
Underscore is allowed.

Datatype:-Before declaration variable you need to define the type of variable i.e. integer, character, float etc

Variable declaration:-You can define a variable in following way.

Syntax:-datatype  variablename;

Eg:-int x;
       int a;
       float q;

Variable intialization:-In this step you have to give the value of variable.

During character intialization write character within the '   '

Eg:-int x=1; or
int x;

Datatype:-Datatype definition the nature of variable.

It is mainly three types.


1.Integer datatype:-It represent integer value.
And expressed as %d;

Data Type      Size in bytes        Rangeshort
short                2                     -32768 to +32767
int                     2                    -32768 to +32767 unsigned int    2                        0 to 65536
long                  4                       -2147483648 to                                                         +2147483647     unsigned
long int            4                 0 to 4,294,967,295

2.Float datatype:-It represent negative values.

Data Type      Size in bytes        Rangeshort
float                4                    3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38
double            8               1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308
long               10          3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+4932

3.character:-It is used to represent character value.

Data Type      Size in bytes        Rangeshort
char                     1                      -128 to +127 signed char         1                         -128 to +127
unsigned char     1                             0 to 255


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